About Us

The UF in Nicaragua program was established to provide students with an opportunity to study the dynamics of transnational non-governmental assisted Community development efforts in socio-economically marginalized communities, as well as various aspects of Nicaraguan history and culture. The experience includes exposure to three different non-governmental organizations’ practices of grassroots development in a variety of communities on the Western side of the country. The students of this program are all from unique backgrounds and cultures. However, we each share the passion of learning about other cultures and seeing an alternative point of view. The students of the UF in Nicaragua study abroad program of 2010 are: Julia Butler, Jessica Jean Casler, Chelsea Close, Mackenzie Deck, Corinne Gentile, Alex Hamrick, Crystal Hardaway, Jessica Ramirez, Briana Riddock, Lindsey Sarvis, Taylor Sawyer, Celeste Sununtnasuk, Kay Tappan, Alena Thomas, and Graham Wigle. Each of us will be blogging periodically to fill our loved ones in on our many adventures! We thank you all for your continued support and cannot wait to share our experiences with you!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Oh we´re halfway there!

sorry it has taken us so long to update the blog! we have been so busy rushing around nicaragua, seeing the sites and trying to see as much as possible because time is flying by! we can´t believe we are already at the half way point! some of us are definitely facing a little bit of culture shock, but we all still have super positive attitudes and get up every day excited to see what we will learn! this past saturday we went to Granada, where we got a chance to shop and go to a number of historical sites. granada is the most modern city we have been to since we have been in Nicaragua, we even got to eat real American imitated pizza! it was so exciting! while in Granada a few of us went to a large cathedral, where we got to climb to the top and see straight across the whole city. it was beautiful, complete with multicolored roofs and many monumnents. a few of us also got a chance to see pre columbian statues in a museum. we also bought vigorone. this nicaraguan delicacy has potatoes, pig skin, and salad, all wrapped in banana leaves. although we have been advised not to eat street foot, we decided that it was worth it try this dish. as most of you already know we are at our secnond NGO, which is called Seeds of learning. Seeds of learning is located in the middle of the city El Dario. This town is a little bit safer than where we were previously in Managua. it has a small town feel, with many small shops and cobble road streets. With this NGO we are working at Agua Fria, which is located on top of a mountain. so every day we have to take an hour bus ride up a teep sloped, rocky mountain road. it is quite an experience, however the view is worth it. while you are traveling up the mountain you feel like you are in ireland or scotland because of the vivid green rolling hills and domestic animals lining the roads. At agua fria we are helping the community build a school for the children. right now the children of the community have to travel a far distance to get to the nearest school. having this school situated in the community will decrease much of the children´s traveling time and will further facilitate a learning environment. agua fria is filled with many young children who just love to play. we are always playing frisbee with them and they are always willing to help us lift rocks and help us with whatever we need. a few of the group, such as Celeste are very popular amongst the children. they call to her throughout the work day begging her to come and play with them. its so cute to watch these children interact with us and laugh at our attempts to speak spanish. these first few days at agua fria have been so much fun and we cannot wait to continue working with them and follow the school´s progress as it is built up. we will have another post soon! thanks for all of your support!!!
Shout out to the Thomas Family and Dr. Hamrick
alena... and alex
